Friday, February 27, 2009

Snow Day! 下雪啦~

there's this one day when it was pouring rain outside of our house and we thought we might venture to the mountains to see if it was snowing. sure enough it was snowing cats and dogs up in the mountain. it was freeeeezing cold up in the mountain. too bad the kids didn't have snow gears to play in the snow long enough. ellie was probably out there for 5 seconds to take some pictures before we pack up and head down the mountain. ethan had a lot of fun running around in the snow :)


Here's Ethan having fun in the snow..

and here's ellie's 5 second outing in the snow..



馨方 said...

ㄟ, 妹妹那張照的不錯喔~pose很好,整張的感覺也很好呢! (清楚到鼻子那邊看的一清二楚的, ㄎㄎㄎ)

Susan 婉君 Cheng said...

那個..DSLR照的太清楚了 哈 冷死了 隨便照一照我們就回家了 嘿