well, i haven't been updating the blog because ethan has been keeping me busy! the only thing i do after work is crawl with him around the house until he goes to sleep.. i'll try to get more pictures but here are some pictures of him around the house around 8/28/06 =)
ethan can move around pretty well now. although he can't really crawl yet but he sure can scoot himself to wherever he wants to be. in this case, he wanted to grab my camra ^^;
i was studying this week for a test today (and i passed! woot!). ethan seems to be having fun with my studying material. video to follow as soon as it is approved by google =)
the weather has been pretty hot lately. ethan's grandma went to Target and bought him a dress to wear at home because it's cooler that way. he still looks like a boy though hehe. he keeps on moving around so the pictures are blurry.
ethan loves to play with his wind chime ^^ i bought this for him when he was smaller so he can kick it. now he reaches out to grab things he likes to shake it more than kicking it. he goes crazy almost everytime he plays with it hehe
ethan flips onto his stomach and raises his head to see if anyone's in the room when he wakes up in the morning. he sure looks like a gopher peeking out from the ground when he does this hehe
ethan slants to one side when he sits in his stroller nowadays. he also puts his legs up on teh tray when he sits in his stroller. i hope he doesn't drive like that in the future -_-